Bipin Sasi Techie, Author of the book Leadership Puzzles You can follow me on X formerly called twitter @BipinSasi No comments

Leadership is a responsibility and not an authority.

You know why employees hate companies or Leaders ? If you are going through hard times in your family, will you your family members to save the family? Will you lay off your children ? Then why would you lay off your employees. There was a similar post by Linked in CEO which got traction few days back.

There are companies which will not fire you for your performance issues, instead they will coach you. Just like we do with our children who comes home with a lower grade.

Its the complete opposite in some corporate's, so many people have vicersal hatred , sort of anger at some of these banking CEO's with their disproportionate salary and bonus structure, Its not the numbers that they have violated , its the very definition of leadership they have violated. Everyone knows that the leaders sacrificed their people to protect their own interest. This is what offend employees not the numbers.

Would any one be offended if we give 10 Lakh bonus to Mahatma Gandhi? How about 10 Lakh rupees to Mother Theresa ? Do you have an issue with that ? Not at all.

Great leaders would never sacrifice people for numbers instead they would sacrifice the numbers to save the people.

Now a days many employees complain about burn out symptoms , depression, and work life balance. Do you know when this happen? If you are a leader by nature your job is to stop the pressure at your level not deploy more of it underneath you. If you want to be a successful leader try not to pass the pressure to your team.

I have been managing people for a long time.

Over the years, I have learned that most people who want to become a manager end up failing because they either ridicule their team or micromanage them.
They think it is powerful to do so, but never realize how this fake sense of power is holds the team back.

To be honest, it took me quite a while to learn this lesson too.

Here are some of the other reasons why people fail at managing people:

Reason #1: Wanting things As soon as possible.
Reason #2: Demanding respect because of position (as against conduct)
Reason #3: Not listening to their team

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